Here we are! Turn Tales! The Webbed Site! Have a look around! Enjoy the sights and potential sounds!
Just a little over two weeks into 2025 and I've been SICK ALL YEAR!
Finally feeling better but ughghg I had made PLANS for the years start! I guess I should take this as a reminder to NOT overdo it, especially so early in the new year. I have been known to push myself too hard after all.
Just a shout-out that a new Cave Troll character page is now available on the TurnTales forum!
Sure has been a while since I did a journal update here, woops! Life is messy, what can I say?
I've spent a while prepping for this year though, and even thoguh I started it with a week of illness I'm still hitting the ground running!
Alright! I guess we're doing this! I'm dying to get back into making art and building games, so I've tasked myself to create 100 different pixel sprites and/or tilesheets before the end of the year!
Check out my progress Here! and encourage me along haha!